A Case Study In Accountability


One of the largest national flooring suppliers, with a revenue of over $200 Million.


Internal company shifts, regardless of the company’s size or industry can create a whirlwind of problems in a very short period of time. Our client was facing a sudden loss of key personnel, leaving the company with significant gaps in Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) in most of their departments. Their operational flow from purchasing, quality control and even accounting were significantly affected, while also experiencing a drop of commitment from their sales force due to this time of disorganization within the company. Accountability and proper procedures were now lacking and costing the company millions of dollars.


SMG Synergy’s strategy to overcome this challenge, was executed by deploying a rapid implementation of solutions to address their current issue, but also create a new solid foundation of operational procedures to prevent this issue from reoccurring.

Due to their urgency and loss of revenue they were experiencing, SMG Synergy created SOPs and KPIs to measure metrics across all of their departments, while at the same time evaluating their marketing and sales procedures to quickly boost what was working for them, while also correcting what wasn’t.

We also developed a series of clear departmental SOPs and re-organizational initiatives. Furthermore, we instilled strong emphasis on accountability from all managers and developed organized training for all client side services, such as installation, quality control and customer service. This was to make sure, that while our strategy was being implemented, there would have be no further loss of consumer confidence.

From a sales and marketing perspective, we implemented a new CRM platform and revitalized their sales training program to keep their sales forces updated with the most current selling techniques and to make sure that they were aligned with the company’s mission statement.


Learn how SMG Synergy can help your business scale and thrive with pragmatic and time proven strategies that have helped hundreds of companies succeed in this ever changing business landscape.